MUMBAI: Dishtv, Subhash Chandra's Essel Group-promoted DTH platform, has announced the launch of its movie-on-demand (MoD) service. The feature will offer two movies per week, allowing viewers to control the choice and timing of the movie.
Dishtv subscribers can order the movie through IVR/Phone, SMS, or by logging onto The subscriber is authorised to view the movie within 24 hours for Rs 40.
According to Dishtv India managing director Sunil Gupta, the company is in dialogue with filmmakers and producers to secure rights to distribute as well as release their films via its newly offered MoD platform. "Our goal is to provide a balance of offbeat and independent movies, in addition to a wide selection of mainstream movies. Dishtv views VoD as an opportunity for filmmakers to reach a large audience."
Speaking on the service, he adds further, “Unlike traditional pay-per-view, the consumer can watch the film of his choice at any time. In the current broadcasting environment, programme timing and selection is the exclusive prerogative of the broadcaster. With MoD, the consumer has complete control over the content.”
A research conducted by the company indicates that movies shown on a schedule doesn’t interest consumers much because of their daily chores and routine. "Moreover, they will go to a nearby shop at any time to get VCD’s on rent. This service will allow consumers to view their choice of movie in true DVD format at more convenience, also reducing the damage caused by video piracy," says Gupta.