• Star Plus, Star News launched in UK, Europe; KBC not part of package

    The Star TV network is having a grand party in London on Thursday to celebrate the launch of the Star Plus and Star N

  • Qalam 2001 : Vivek Agnihotri

    Director Vivek Agnihotri provided the perfect finale to the workshop with an interesting presentation on developing a

  • Sentiment expected to remain negative on Zee scrip

    Submitted by ITV Production on Jan 17, 2001

    Down, down, down with no end in sight at least in the near term is the verdict that media sector investment analysts have given regarding the beleaguered Zee scrip.

    The Zee Telefilms Ltd (ZTL) stock has taken a continuous beating over the past few months with the last week being particularly painful. The share has dropped to it touch 52 week lows thrice at Rs 240, Rs 235 and Rs 216. It is currently trading at Rs 228.

    A foreign securities firm has put a ‘sell‘ recommendation on ZTL. Market sentiments are working against the scrip. To get a handle on the mood in the the market we talked with a couple of analysts and took their perspective.

    The weakness in the scrip, they revealed, is attributed to many reasons. The principle contributor being "not so good programming."

    "The Television business is becoming more and more visible in the sense everybody watches TV and knows fairly well as to which are the channels providing good entertainment," said a senior analyst in a multinational securities firm. "High TRP ultimately converts into revenues for channels. Zee doesn‘t have any good shows, not a single blockbuster and more than that for their prime time (9:30pm) slot what they are showing are reruns of earlier shows which is bound to affect advertising revenues."

    In the coming months there seems to be no special programming in the pipeline which could draw viewers back to the channel. The onslaught on Zee TV‘s revenue, the bread and butter for the network, by Star and Sony has had a negative impact on the scrip said an analyst with another foreign securities consultant based in Mumbai. "Further highlighting this is the debacle that was Sawaal Das Crore Ka which showed programming incompetence. The third quarter results will show how much the channel has spent on that front which will further hit the share price," he said.

    "Repeated announcements of plans which were finally not implemented has affected Zee‘s credibility and also raised questions about the cash flow situation of the company. This was apparent in its failed FM bid, the cancellation of the Zee Sports channel and Siti Cable‘s failure to go through with its Net on cable plans," opined an analyst attached to a leading merchant banker.

    Predictions for the company‘s third quarter results, which will be out in a few days, are negative and they will take a further toll of the share price. Some discounting for the weak results is already taking place. Analysts believe that the price will remain weak for at least the coming two months as nothing positive is in the pipeline.

    "The company should really put its act together and has to come out with concrete solutions. Only then can it arrest the downward slide as competition in the television industry is really heating up and better and better options are available for viewers as well as advertisers," said one analyst. "We really can‘t predict where the price will reach, but definitely the movement will be in negative territory."

    The first analyst we spoke to believes that the price may touch Rs 200 in the coming month or two depending on the company‘s results. As ZTL Chairman Subhash Chandra is taking a serious review of his programming as well as overall business the recommendation is to wait and watch.

    At the Rs 200 level it is a good buy for the medium term. At the present level of Rs 225 the P/E is around 35 which most analysts are comfortable with but it is the future earning expectation that is affecting the price. The volumes on the BSE as well as the NSE are high enough given the high liquidity of the scrip even though it is much lower compared to its earlier trading volume.

    The AT Kerney recommendations on restructuring are apparently being implemented by Zee but to what extent and whether it will actually improve the functioning of the company is the Sawaal Dus Crore Ka (100 million rupee question).


  • Christiane Amanpour signs multi-year contract with CNN

    CNN's award-winning chief international correspondent, Christiane Amanpour, signed a new multi-year contract with CNN

  • Christiane Amanpour signs multi-year contract with CNN

    Submitted by ITV Production on Jan 17, 2001

    CNN‘s award-winning chief international correspondent, Christiane Amanpour, signed a new multi-year contract with CNN, it was announced on Wednesday.

    Amanpour‘s expanded role for the CNN News Group will have her reporting across of the network‘s various services, both in the United States and around the world.


  • GoM clears draft convergence bill, looks at super regulator

    Submitted by ITV Production on Jan 17, 2001

    The group of ministers (GoM) on information technology and telecom, headed by finance minister Yashwant Sinha, on Tuesday approved the draft Communications and Convergence Bill 2001 setting in motion the process of creating a super regulator which will have the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) and the proposed broadcasting authority subservient to it.

    Everything connected with telecommunication and broadcasting, and other communications, including all aspects of convergence in these services, would come under the commission‘s purview.

    The super regulator, to be called the Communications Commission of India (CCI), will be established on the lines of the Federal Communications Commission of the US, according to the Business Standard. The draft bill was based on the recommendations made by a panel led by legal expert Fali S Nariman.

    The CCI will be empowered to issue all licences, including composite licences for communication facilities and services, to facilitate and regulate all aspects of telecom, broadcasting and other communication including all aspects of convergence in these services, to determine regulations, codes and technical standards, to determine and levy license fee wherever required and to determine tariff and rates for licensed services wherever necessary, the Hindu Businessline reported.

    The passage of the Bill involves the repeal of at least five laws and also covers certain aspects of the Information Act 2000 that are administered by the telecom, IT and broadcasting Ministries. The proposed Bill is likely to deal with the consolidation and management of the provisions of the Indian Telegraphs Act, 1885, the Indian Wireless Telegraphy Act, 1933, the Telegraph Wire Unlawful Possession Act, 1950 and the TRAI.

    It will also lead to the repeal of the Cable Television Networks (Regulation) Act, 1995, which is under the purview of the I&B Ministry.

    So is the era of convergence finally at hand? Not just yet and maybe not for a while if the government‘s record on the matter thus far is anything to go by.

    IT Minister Pramod Mahajan has promised the bill, which has over 100 clauses, will be introduced in Parliament in the first week of May.

    Before that it will first be put on the Web to get feedback from various sections of the industry.

    This is supposed to happen within a week. The responses are expected to come in by 25 February. Nariman is then expected to scrutinise the responses and the GoM is to meet again in April to incorporate any changes, if required.

    If there are no differences within the GoM at that stage, the bill will be placed before the cabinet in April-end and in the first week of May, it is scheduled to be introduced in Parliament. The bill will then be sent to the standing committee, and is expected to be passed either in the winter session of 2001 or in the Budget session of 2002.

    Mahajan has said the bill will be implemented in its full form in early 2002. That is the schedule as of now. How the whole thing finally unravels we‘ll have to wait and watch.

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