Deccan Chargers loses litigation battle against former CEO Wright

Submitted by ITV Production on Jul 17 Team

MUMBAI: The London High Court has directed Deccan Chargers to pay damages of ?10.53 million plus legal costs to its former CEO Tim Wright for breach of contract.

Wright had, in 2009, moved London High Court alleging that Deccan Chargers Sporting Ventures, the parent company of Deccan Chargers, had dismissed him unfairly thereby breaching employment contract.

Chargers had challenged the jurisdiction of the English Court, an argument which was rejected by the London High Court twice.

The Judge found that Deccan Chargers had committed a number of clear, material breaches of their obligations under Wright?s employment contract, including by failing to provide his full salary, benefits and pension entitlements, failing to appoint him to the Board of Directors and failing to transfer to him an agreed equity share in the company.

Wright?s victory represents the culmination of three years of litigation.

Tim Wright commented, "Today?s judgment is vindication of my decision not to be cowed by the bullying of a large corporation. I am grateful to His Honour Judge Seymour QC for his judgment today."

Deccan Chargers