MUMBAI: One of India's leading contributor to exports, The Gem & Jewellery Export Promotion Council (GJEPC) today announced the appointment of Hanmer & Partners, one of India's leading public relations consultancies to partner the council in its global communication objectives.
The GJEPC realises that to achieve its 2007 target of $16 billion, it needs to change the industry's perception on a global level. Hence the council has hired Hanmer & Partners to work closely on creating a global image campaign for the entire gems and jewellery industry.
Gem & Jewellery Export Promotional Council chairman Sanjay Kothari said, "The industry needs to make a concerted effort to be perceived as the undisputed leader in both gems and jewellery on an international platform and we are confident that Hanmer & Partners with its strong reach will help us achieve it. We need to use communications effectively to build that image and we are glad to have retained the best and we look forward to working with them to achieve GJEPC's vision and business objectives."
Hanmer & Partners Communications Pvt Ltd managing director Sunil Gautam adds, "We are extremely privileged to be associated with the council in achieving the gem and jewellery industry's objectives. We are in the process of setting up a global team to manage the objectives of the council in each target market. Our global affiliation with Manning Selvage & Lee (MS&L) will accelerate our campaign in the countries that the council needs public relations advise and support. We hope to contribute in our own way in promoting this dynamic industry.