MUMBAI: RK Swamy BBDO's independent media arm Media Direction has roped in veteran media and market research professi
MUMBAI: Huggies, which dominates the market with a 69 per cent share, has launched its premium end international diap
MUMBAI: While blogging in India is still at a very nascent stage, in the US it has seen a phenomenal growth of 58 per
MUMBAI: The Internet and wireless media business has come of age in India and 2005 should witness a gross billing of
BANGALORE: Popular actress and danseuse Shobhana announced Tanishq's Pre-booking Akshaya Tritiya Scheme in Bangalore,
MUMBAI: Vyas Giannetti Creative (VGC) has set shop in Delhi and has appointed Euro RSCG's Anjan Roy to head the opera
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