MUMBAI: Film Studio Paramount has decided to make changes in the marketing materials for Jack Reacher, the gritty crime-action, Tom Cruise starrer based on Lee Child‘s character by the same name. Cruise plays a hard-boiled former military cop trying to prove that an alleged sniper was framed in the film that opens Friday.
Though the studio hasn‘t officially said what the changes are, but buzz is that a scene of Cruise‘s character firing off a semi-automatic weapon is being cut from promotional spots. The reason behind this move is the recent shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary School which left 20 children between five to 11 years dead and many others scarred for life.
Apart from Cruise‘s Jack Reacher Leonardo DiCaprio starrer Django Unchained directed by Quentin Tarantino is slated to open on 25 December. The R-rated Django stars Jamie Foxx as a slave promised his freedom if he helps a bounty hunter (Christoph Waltz ) track down a plantation owner (Leonardo DiCaprio). On 17 December The Weinstein Co.
Announced it was cancelling Tuesday night‘s Django premiere in Los Angeles because of the school tragedy but it would still hold a screening for cast and crew.
"Our thoughts and prayers go out to the families of the tragedy in Newtown, Conn., and in this time of national mourning we have decided to forgo our scheduled event," the company said in a statement.
At a junket for Django on Saturday in New York, Tarantino said he is weary of defending the violence in his movies. "I just think there‘s violence in the world. Tragedies happen," the filmmaker said. "[Django} is a Western. Give me a break."
Foxx, however, said Hollywood can‘t "ignore" that violence in movies has an impact. And this summer, Harvey Weinstein, an advocate for gun control, called for a summit on violence in films after the Aurora theater shooting during a midnight screening of The Dark Knight Rises.
Jack Reacher mktg altered in view of school shooting