15 more channels in INCablenet bouquet in Mumbai


15 more channels in INCablenet bouquet in Mumbai

incable net

MUMBAI: INCablenet is increasing the number of channels offered in its bouquet from 90 to 105 within a week.

The 15 new channels will include three music channels, a clutch of regional channels and a few cartoon channels, says Incablenet president Rajiv Vyas. The decision was taken following a random survey among Incable's distributors to determine which channels would be more preferred by viewers, says Vyas. Incable's fiber optic network in Mumbai was recently upgraded from 750 MHz capacity to 860 MHz, allowing it to add more channels to those being currently offered. "It's essentially a value addition for our viewers," says Vyas. Among the new channels being offered are music channels Zee Music and MCM and kids' channel Nickelodeon.

While five channels have been added to the bouquet since Thursday, a few more are being added today. The additions, being carried out in a phased manner, are expected to be completed in a week's time, according to Vyas.