MUMBAI: NGC Network (India) has got the FIPB (Foreign Investment Promotion Board) nod for uplinking and downlinking television channels through internal accruals without any foreign inflows.
One of the channels that NGC is planning to launch is Fox Traveller in high definition. The launch date is not firmed up. The other channels from the NGC stable that are available in high definition include National Geographic Channel, Nat Geo Wild and Nat Geo Adventure.
"The industry is moving towards new technologies. If you look at the sale of LEDs and LCD TV sets, you will realise that the consumer is upgrading. We have to follow them. We have not finalised a date for launching the HD feed of Fox Traveller but it will be soon," said Fox International Channel VP marketing Debarpita Banerjee.
Fox Traveller will always have one local show dedicated to travel news. "The tentative name of the show is ?Travel This Week?. The show will offer advertisers the chance to show their products. It will also have the latest news and trends in travel," Banerjee said.
?For instance if wants to create awareness about their vacation packages, they can use the show as a platform. One of the aims is to provide an alternative and go beyond the 30 second spot. This will be a weekly half an hour show. The aim is to be informative and provide information and news that is relevant to viewers. Viewers will be able to find out about the latest deals.?
Fox Traveller is also looking at doing a food show. The aim is to be youthful and showcase what the key food is in Indian cities. The channel?s focus will also lie on catching travel in different ways. "We are mulling a tie up with Bollywood," said Banerjee.