MUMBAI: Director Michael Bay has teamed up with his bosses at Doritos to launch Crash the Super Bowl, a contest that will allow wannabe moviemakers to create advertisements for the snack brand, it is understood.
The two top commercials will air during the Super Bowl broadcast in January next year after which fans will be asked to vote for their favourite in an online poll.
"When you find out where these guys came from... It‘s great. If you want to get noticed, this is the way to do it... When I was a film student, I would have killed for this kind of opportunity. When you‘re on the set, you get to see it all go down," Bay said.
Bay, who started off his career with commercials before transitioning into Hollywood, will invite the director behind the advert with the highest score to work for him on the next instalment of Transformers.
The fourth installment of Transformers is due to hit theatres in June 2014.
Michael Bay invites wannabe filmmakers to be part of his next via competition