Mumbai: An animated series based on Indian television’s daily sitcom "Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah" will stream on Netflix from 24 February, the makers of the show Neela Films have announced.
Titled "Taarak Mehta Kka Chhota Chashmah," the family comedy entertainer show is created and authored by Asit Kumarr Modi and stars a host of actors including Dilip Joshi, Shailesh Lodha, Munmun Dutta, and Mandar Chandwadkar, among others.
The Neela Film Productions’ animated series which has aired two successful seasons on TV since 2021 also features popular characters from its parent show in hyperbolic comic avatars.
Neela Film Productions founder and director Asit Kumarr Modi said good content can be seamlessly adapted across mediums and they are thrilled to bring the animated series on OTT for their audience. “The show’s animated version will be available to our viewers on Netflix. Humour can bring positive transformation in the society, and at Neela Film Productions, spreading joy is pivotal to our ethos. We’re glad that our viewers, especially kids, will get to enjoy ‘Taarak Mehta Kka Chhota Chashmah’ on OTT as well.”
"Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah," the original Hindi sitcom, is based on Chitralekha magazine’s weekly Gujarati column ‘Duniya Ne Undha Chasma’ by late columnist-playwright Taarak Mehta.
The TV show first aired in 2008. It is running in its 14th year with over 3,300 episodes.