Mattress firm Wakefit throws down the gauntlet to Netflix in battle for India's shut-eye

Mattress firm Wakefit throws down the gauntlet to Netflix in battle for India's shut-eye

Memory foam versus cliffhangers, Wakefit declares war on streaming as sleep crisis grips nation

Chaitanya Ramalingegowda

MUMBAI:  In a ballsy marketing campaign that's got the attention of the advertising world, Indian mattress maker Wakefit has taken a full-page broadside at streaming behemoth Netflix, cheekily positioning the US giant as its direct competitor in the battle for Indians' bedtime hours.

The eye-catching advert, splashed across mainline newspapers nationwide, references Netflix co-founder Reed Hastings' infamous 2017 quip that "sleep" was their biggest competitor—a joke that's turned into a bloody nightmare for millions of Indians, according to Wakefit.

"In India, the joke came true," proclaims the advert with undisguised glee. "According to Wakefit's Great Indian Sleep Scorecard 2025, 51 per cent Indians blame binge-watching for late nights, and one in three of us have insomnia. Happy now, Mr Co-founder?"

wakefitThe cheeky campaign, timed to coincide with World Sleep Day which was on 14 March, sees Wakefit positioning itself as the plucky David to streaming's Goliath, declaring "sleep a.k.a. Wakefit is competing back" with what the company has dubbed "sleep-tech vs screen-tech" and "now sleeping vs now streaming."

Wakefit co-founder Chaitanya Ramalingegowda didn't stop at print. The savvy entrepreneur took to social media with a video of himself reading the advert, further amplifying the message that's struck a chord with knackered Indians nationwide.

"May 'du-dumm' become the sound of India crashing on a Wakefit mattress," the advert proclaims in a cheeky reference to Netflix's iconic sound logo. "The road is long. It may take several seasons to beat the competition. But this show is never getting cancelled."

Not content with mere verbal sparring, Wakefit is backing its fighting talk with action, offering punters up to 55 per cent off all mattresses until 16 March—a commercial sweetener that's got cash-conscious consumers sitting up in their beds.

The campaign dovetails perfectly with this year's World Sleep Day theme: "Make Sleep Health a Priority." The annual awareness day, organised by the World Sleep Society, aims to elevate conversations around sleep health globally at a time when digital distractions are at an all-time high.

Industry analysts are calling Wakefit's campaign a masterstroke in challenger brand marketing. By positioning streaming giants as the villain in India's sleep crisis narrative, the mattress maker has effectively elevated itself from flogging bedroom furniture to championing a public health cause.

With Netflix raking in billions globally while Indians increasingly struggle to catch their forty winks, Wakefit's provocative question—"Happy now, Mr Co-founder?"—might just be keeping a few streaming executives up at night for a change.