MySpace has 70 mn monthly unique users in US

MySpace has 70 mn monthly unique users in US

MUMBAI: US media conglomerate News Corp‘s social networking site MySpace has announced that it is outperforming all other social networking sites according to multiple metrics.

America’s leading and most trafficked website has crossed the 70 million active monthly unique user mark in the United States, meaning that nearly one in four Americans used MySpace last month, according to newly released data from comScore MediaMetrix.

comScore MediaMetrix’s new data shows that users are more engaged on MySpace than on any other social network; the site gained two billion page views from May to June. Total time spent on MySpace by users is three times its closest competitor and the site continues to lead in average minutes spent per person per month with more than 200 minutes on average, according to comScore.


Additionally, among teen Internet users MySpace ranks as the brand with the highest overall Differentiation and Brand Stature, according to Young and Rubicam’s industry standard BrandAsset® Valuator.

A report issued by Forrester shows that nearly 80 per cent of 12-17 year olds use MySpace at least weekly which is three times more than any other social network.

MySpace CEO and co-founder Chris DeWolfe says, “This is just the beginning of MySpace’s evolution and we’re excited to see the continued growth and engagement among our users. Whether uploading a video, registering to vote, or catching up with friends, MySpace continues to be a central part of people’s lives.”

comScore Media Metrix executive VP Jack Flanagan says, “MySpace is clearly leading the social networking category with the largest, most engaged audience as compared to all other social networks. Our data also shows that MySpace continues to grow at a strong pace.”

Bav Consulting MD Ed Lebar says, “MySpace is in a unique position as one of the strongest, most valued brands in the highly coveted teen audience. Our BrandAsset Valuator showed MySpace as outpacing all other social networks and portals in terms of brand Differentiation and Energy.”

The latest data from comScore MediaMetrix shows that across four different user engagement metrics users are more engaged on MySpace than on any other social network:

• MySpace users visit the site 20 per cent more often than the closet competitor in the social networking category

• MySpace users spend about 10 minutes more each month on the site than the closest competitor in the social networking category

• MySpace has three times more minutes on the site than its closet competitor in the social networking category

• MySpace gets three times more visitors on the average day than its closet competitor in the category

In addition to domestic growth, MySpace is experiencing strong international growth and has plans to expand into 10 additional countries in the next year. MySpace currently has localized communities in 18 countries and seven languages including France, Germany, Australia, Ireland, Spain, Italy, Mexico, Japan, Sweden, Latin America and the UK. By visiting MySpace’s online global map, users are empowered to log on and view their profile through the lens of any of country or language.

This week, MySpace UK broke the 10 million active user mark according to comScore, meaning that approximately one in six people in the United Kingdom are on MySpace and, according to statistics. As the leading social networking community in the UK, MySpace has seen its growth triple, up 286% from 3.6 million users since its launch in April 2006 to this week’s landmark milestone of 10.2 million users.

MySpace‘s total unique U.S. visitors in June are 70.5 million, an increase of 1.6 million unique visitors compared to May. MySpace‘s total U.S. page views in June are 46.4 billion, an increase of 2 billion total page views over May‘s 44.4 billion, according to recently released comScore data.

This success comes on the heels of the recent global launch of MySpaceTV and explosive video growth driven by user interface changes and dozens of industry content partnerships.

According to comScore, 38 per cent of people streaming video on the Internet in the US are doing so on MySpace and the company’s total number of unique streamers has gone from 35 million in January to more than 50 million in April, a 40 per cent increase in past three months. Future integration with Fox Interactive Media’s recent acquisitions of Flektor, a cutting-edge online media editing tool set, and Photobucket, the online photo sharing site are expected to help continue driving MySpace’s explosive video growth.