MUMBAI: The Governing Council of the Indian Premier League (IPL) has decided that Sri Lankan players will not participate in the IPL season 6 league matches in Chennai and will advise the nine franchises accordingly.
The GC had met this afternoon to discuss the issue after Tamil Nadu Chief Minister wrote to the Prime Minister stating that she will not permit the participation of Sri Lankan players or umpires in matches in Chennai.
The decision was taken to ensure security of Sri Lankan players who are participating in the IPL as Tamil Nadu was rocked by anti-Sri Lanka protests over US-backed UNHRC resolution against Sri Lanka on alleged human rights violation of Tamils by the Sri Lankan army during the counter-insurgency programme against LTTE.
In fact, UPA ally DMK had snapped ties with the ruling coalition blaming it for failing to bring amendments to the US-sponsored resolution at the UNHRC against Sri Lanka.
It was also reported that the government of Sri Lanka has issued a travel advisory that its citizens should exercise caution when travelling to Tamil Nadu.