UTV Q2 net bleeds as expenses surge 27%
MUMBAI: UTV Software Communications has swung into losses. The media conglomerate, which has interest in film and TV production, TV broadcasting and new media, has posted a consolidated net loss (after minority interest) of Rs 288.55 million for the quarter ended 30 September 2011, a stark contrast with a net profit of Rs 401.81 million in the same quarter of the previous year.
The company has also shown an operating loss of Rs 88.71 million, as against a profit of Rs 438.40 million a year ago.
UTV?s expenses jumped 27 per cent to Rs 2.49 billion, from Rs 1.96 billion, hurting the bottom line.
Revenue remained almost flat at Rs 2.4 billion. UTV?s interest expenses in the quarter were at Rs 217.87 million.
The company has consolidated the financials of UTV Communications (USA) LLC, IG Interactive Entertainment Ltd, UTV Global Broadcasting Ltd, UTV TV Content Ltd., UTV Games Ltd, First Future Agri & Developers Ltd, UTV New Media Ltd, Indiagames Limited, Screenshot Television Limited and the group‘s stepdown subsidiaries -Ignition Entertainment Ltd., True Games Interactive, Genx Entertainment Ltd, UTV Entertainment Television Ltd, UTV Tele-Talkies Ltd, RB Entertainment Ltd. and Vikatan UTV Content Limited.
Television business accounted for 47 per cent of UTV‘s revenue mix, while 29.6 per cent was contributed by movies and 23 per cent came from the Games and Interactive segment.
UTV has consolidated the broadcasting and TV content production businesses into one segment, while the games and new media segments have been combined into Games and Interactive.
Television Segment
The revenue from the quarter under review stood at Rs 1.09 billion (from Rs 815.21 million). The segment suffered loss of Rs 213.33 million, compared to profit of Rs 49.26 million in year ago period.
Television segment comprises television content, airtime sales, dubbing services and the television channel broadcast business.
Movie Segment
The movie business fetched Rs 683.4 million for the quarter (from Rs 1.21 billion a year ago), while operating profit fell to Rs 139.22 million (from Rs 446.61 million).
Games and Interactive Segment
Revenue in this segment stood at Rs 534.83 million (from Rs 357.22 million), while operating profit was at Rs 49.25 million down from Rs 52.52 million.