MUMBAI: Charlize Theron has confirmed that she would star in Sympathy for Lady Vengeance, an adaptation of the final installment of Park Chan-Wook‘s revenge trilogy.
While William Monahan has been tapped to pen the script for the project, Megan Ellison‘s Annapurna Pictures would finance the film. "This will be very American and very unexpected," said Monahan in a statement. "Park is a genius; it?s the Everest of adaptations and I‘ve got blood in my teeth to do it."
The 2005 South Korean movie is centered on a woman who spends 13 years in prison for a crime she did not commit and then sets about exacting the revenge she has plotted during her time behind bars.
Theron‘s Denver & Delilah Films and CJ Entertainment have been developing the remake since 2008. The actress had until now been only involved in the project as a producer. The film will now be produced jointly by Theron with her Denver & Delilah partner Beth Kono, Annapurna‘s Ellison and Chelsea Barnard, CJ Entertainment‘s Ted Kim and Monahan. No director is currently attached.
Charlize Theron to star in revenge drama Sympathy for Lady Vengeance