NEW DELHI: Fire in the Blood directed by Dylan Mohan Gray has won the 2013 DOXA Feature Documentary Award, the main prize at the DOXA Documentary Film Festival, which concluded recently in Vancouver.
"Fire in the Blood is truly outstanding. The real story of the struggle to make HIV and AIDS drugs available and affordable for the world’s poor, is nothing like the headlines we have read. It is both a heart-breaking and a heart-warming story all in the same film and it is elevated by exceptional access to captivating moments of deep humanity and emotion", the jury said.
It added: "In exploring the macrocosm of big industry and the microcosm of individual people Fire in the Blood makes clear that we are all responsible for this crisis and there is something we can do to influence change. It is a wakeup call and a call to action for all of us to take back our health care rights from the pharmaceutical companies who only care about their bottom lines, and our world leaders who allow big pharma to let millions die in the name of profit."
Fire in the Blood also received the Justice Matters Award at the 27th Washington DC International Film Festival last month.
The film will be screened in Geneva next month in conjunction with the World Health Assembly (WHA), with events and panels sponsored by Doctors Without Borders (MSF) and UNAIDS. There will also be a screening and panel discussion hosted by the Royal Society of Medicine in London on 28 May.
Film on HIV/AIDS gets award at Vancouver Documentary Film Festival