The 10 commandments of Scriptwriting The first day commenced with former Sony programming head Rekha Nigam charting out the ten commandments of scripting -
She spoke about the necessity of reaching viewers on their wavelength and language, constantly innovating and exploring new genres, keeping in touch with changing viewer tastes and the importance of presentation of a concept or story to a channel or production house.
TV, as opposed to cinema, is an intimate medium in which you reach out to people in their drawing rooms, she said, requiring a writer to known and respect his/her target audience. A writer also needs to have the courage of his convictions when confronted with objections from channels and production houses, Nigam maintained. Apart from writing, a writer needs to keep reading, watching other media for trends and interact with peers in order to keep abreast with changes, she said. . |
Qalam 2001 : Rekha Nigam