A radio station soon for the gay and lesbian community in India
NEW DELHI: A radio station is to be launched especially for the Gay and Lesbian Community in India (LGBT) by Radiowalla.in, India‘s first direct-to-consumer multi-channel Internet radio platform.
The channel will be available 24x7 via any broadband connected device and mobile phones with a data plan through mobile apps for android, iOS, Blackberry and java feature phones. Radiowalla.in, launched recently, already has over 20 radio stations carefully created and curated by professionals with a wide range of music, non-music and talk shows with personalities like ‘The Kiran Bedi Show‘ and others.
According to a TNN report on the Gay population in India, if the most conservative western estimate of 2 per cent is taken and extrapolated on the Indian population in the assumption that gayness is universal, the Indian gay community - including men and women - would at least be over 20 million strong, which is larger than some of the minority communities in India.
"One of the main objectives of Radiowalla.in, as a platform, is to cater to special interests of a population not being addressed by mainstream media adequately and that of Inclusion of all through the diverse channels offered on this radio platform. I believe that the Gay and Lesbian population can benefit from a space of their own. This community has style, they are upwardly mobile, they are coming out to show the nation that they belong and have to be accepted and it is about time they get a voice of their own in the national discourse. I am delighted at this decision to have their participation as part of our offering," said Anil Srivatsa, CEO and co-founder of the parent company of Radiowalla.in.
"Anyone wanting to be a part of this can contact us and we will introduce them to the creative agency. Radiowalla.in is looking to bolster its team with members of the Gay and Lesbian community with a passion for this medium, experience and the flair for radio and help make this a channel that not only embodies the spirit and issues of the community but a channel that will be attract everyone to tune in. This will be a very Cool channel," Anil added.
The channel content plan will include the eclectic musical taste of the community from around the world, live-talk format call-in shows on fashion, lifestyle and social issues. It will also include interviews with prominent leaders of the community who are now role models of society, pop culture, entertainment, activism and counseling.
"We would love the South Asian LGBT community around the world to contribute, participate and also add to this channel with more of their own content to be part of our offering on Radiowalla.in," said Harry Bhatia, the other co-founder.
Reacting to this news, popular playwright and director Mahesh Dattani said: "Radio has the power to reach out and communicate effectively through dialogue, discourse and outreach. The LGBT community I am sure will make good use of it to build their identity and address issues that concern them specifically. Communities all over the world ranging from farmers, religious sects, women, linguistic minorities etc. have benefitted greatly by the power of this medium. This is a step in the right direction towards a more sophisticated and egalitarian society."