Shetty resigns as IHF president
MUMBAI: Following the resignation of R K Shetty as its chief, the Indian Hockey Federation will elect its new president at its Special General Body Meeting on 5 November.
The special GBM will also vote on adopting amendments to the IHF constitution which includes selecting a chairperson from amongst the elected office-bearers and who would be above the rest. Interestingly, past presidents of the IHF will also be eligible for the post of chairperson, a move most seen as being aimed at bringing KPS Gill -- currently an advisor to the IHF -- back into the official fold.
IHF Secretary General Ashok Mathur wrote a letter saying, "Subsequent to the resignation of R K Shetty, President IHF, it has been decided to add the election of president as one of the agenda to the notice dated 18th October 2012 already circulated.
"As such the election of the president will also take place on the Special General Body Meeting of the IHF on Monday, the 5th November 2012 at 11:30 am".
Nominations can be filed from 31 October - 1 November on which scrutiny will be also done. The deadline for withdrawal has been fixed for 3 November.